Monday, March 31, 2014

Google Assignment #1 Letter

This is the first Google assignment.  This is not a blog assignment.

This assignment is a letter using the correct format.  You can choose to write a letter to a famous person asking for an autographed picture or a letter to a company asking for free stuff.

Go online and find the mailing address of a company (If you can find the name of someone in that company, that's even better.) that you like or the mailing address of your favorite actor, singer, artist, etc.  

After you have found the address information, go to your Google drive and create a new document.

Rename the document "Google #1 Yourlastname" by double clicking where it says "untitled document" and share it with me (blue button in the upper right hand corner).

Make sure that you format this letter correctly.  Everything is left justified and there is a single space between your address, date, the company's (person's) address, greeting, etc. until you get to the end.  When you finish the letter with "Sincerely yours," or "Respectfully yours," double-space before you type the "handwritten signature" and double-space again before you type the typed signature.

In the body of the letter, write about how much you like the company or person detailing the products that you use from the company (at least 1 paragraph- 4 sentences).  In the last paragraph, ask the company if they have any free stuff or coupons.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Blog #5 Blog proficiency

Insert a black and white photo of a beach.
Type a one sentence opinion that you believe in red.
Insert a color photo of a puppy.
Caption the photo with the name of the puppy.
Type a question in yellow.
Type the following sentence in green,
"Go here to see the best website ever!"
Finally, link a website to the word here.


Mike D'antoni is a terrible basketball coach.
Darth Vader
What are you going to do with your life?

Go here to see the best website ever!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Blog # 4 Typing

Go here and complete some typing tests.

1)  You will take at least one of each of the 5 timed tests (1 min, 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, and 5 min). Choose from lessons #26-35.  Change to a different lesson for each of the five tests.

2)  You will take a screen shot (shift/apple/4-then drag a rectangle over the area you want copied) of the best result for each test.  The picture is sent to the desktop.  Right click the picture, click "get info" and rename as "I minute" or "2 minute" depending on which test it was.

3)  You will post all 5 pictures on your blog titled, "#4 Typing."   Caption each picture with the type of test it was (1 minute, 2 minute, etc.).
You will insert the 5 results pictures in your blog.  Make sure that you caption each photo with the   type of test it was (1 min, 2 min, etc.).

4)  This site also has typing games that will increase your typing speed.  Try out the games and type which one is your favorite and why.
1 minute
2 minutes
3 minutes
My favorite game was Spacebar Invaders.  Everyone try Spacebar Invaders at least once.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Email Me your blog address

Do this right now!

After you log in to your blogger account, click on view blog.  Copy the url (web address) of your blog and paste it into an email to me (

If google has given you an error message when you tried to create your blog, then see me and we will set up a new account for you.

At the end of class today, you should have the 3 blog posts done (About Me, My Favorite Hobby, and Free Choice).  I also need an email with your blog address, so that I can grade your posts.

Blog- Free Choice

For today's blog assignment you can write about anything that you want provided that it is school appropriate.

Write at least 3 paragraphs.
Write at least 150 words.
Include at least 2 pictures related to your topic.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Blog- My Favorite Hobby (Monday, March 24th)

This is a blog assignment.

Write at least 150 words about your favorite hobby (a school appropriate activity that you do for fun).  You can briefly summarize the hobby in a few sentences (no more than 3).  The majority of this blog post will be about your opinions of the hobby and why it is your favorite.

Example of a link.

Minimum requirements
3 paragraphs
150 words
2 pictures
1 link (to a related website)

Blog- About Me

Write two paragraphs about yourself.

You can include whatever information you want as long as it is school appropriate.

In between the 2 paragraphs you are going to insert a picture that best represents you.  This is not a picture of you.  It is a picture that you find after doing a Google image search.  Once you find the picture, save it to the desktop.  From blogger you will insert that picture into your blog post.

This is a blog assignment titled "About Me."

Must be at least 100 words written in complete sentences.
Must be at least 2 paragraphs.
Must include 1 picture.


This Intro to Computers class satisfies two graduation requirements.  1) You need 5 credits in applied skills.  2) You need to show that you are technology proficient.

There are different types of computer based assignments that you will be completing during this class.  The types of assignments are Google Drive assignments, blog assignments, font creation, typing skills, and a few other miscellaneous assignments.

In order to earn 5 credits and a grade of C or better you must do the following:

Complete all eight (8) of the Google Drive assignments with a 7 or higher.
Have a final average of 70% or higher.

All assignments for this course are found on this blog.  You are responsible for completing the assignments.  This includes assignments from days that you were not in class for whatever reason (absent, field trip, etc.)